In 2021 I'm bringing in a lot more content. A lot of it is work I have never shown anywhere before.
Starting things off is a brand new portfolio gallery right here on my website for Alien Warfare.
Alien Warfare was my first feature film I worked on as the on-set still-photographer, back in 2018. It was really a great experience and something very new for me to shoot at the time.
After 2 years, I definitely still consider myself "the new guy" in the "movie business," and I'm looking forward to more movie opportunities soon. I know I have a lot still to learn for sure and I'm very eager to do so.
Even after owning and running a photography business for 15 years, it's really refreshing to know I can still dive into something that's still completely new to me and truly enjoy. It's a very renewed energy I haven't felt in a long while. The feeling is like I'm entering school again on the first day. Not knowing anyone (in the industry), and just being put into the field to "do what I do."

Just getting to observe my surroundings, see the process of movie-making, and watching the working relationships between all the hard-working people, knowing we all had our very specific job to do, was in itself, an incredible experience. I can't exactly put into words and express enough how it truly made me feel just taking in every second of it and learning so much. Since then, I've photographed a second movie (before Covid), that's set to release later this year. Although I had more of a handle on my job as a set-photographer this time, I fully realized that the creating process for every movie is very different on a daily basis (for many reasons). This gave me great excitement to know that I can have a completely unique experience with every day on set, which is very exciting as a creator.
Through the process, I've learned that whether it be reinventing yourself or expanding your horizons to new heights is not only exciting, but also a lot of work, headache, disappointment, and extremely scary to go into new experiences completely blind. However, it's totally worth it if you're fully invested and enjoying every second.
My 2021 goal for my business and photography is about creating new content, sharing previous content (that hasn't seen the light of day yet - mainly because I've fallen way behind on sharing), shooting more for me, teaching, learning, and most importantly, having fun along the way!!
It may seem like a lot, but by taking it one day at a time, and a deep breath, I'll get there for sure. I hope you'll join me for the journey here in 2021.
You can find the full Alien Warfare stills gallery here and behind the scene photos here. You can currently watch the movie on Netflix.